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How To Teach Children Good Dental Health Habits

Dr. Ralph Bastian is a family dentist who has worked with many children of all ages. Here are his tips on how to teach children good dental habits:

Lead by example

As most parents know, you won’t be able to teach your kids good habits if you don’t show that you are following the good habits yourself. Just as you have to eat your vegetables, stick to traffic rules and never litter, if you want your kids to brush their teeth in the morning and evening, then you need to show them that the adults in the house are doing this as well. A good idea is to brush your teeth together as a family so that it forms part of your morning and evening routine. This will also enable you to supervise the children’s teeth brushing technique and monitor the amount of time they spend brushing their teeth.

Help small kids with toothpaste

The memory may be too hazy, but if you think really hard then you may recall your parents putting toothpaste on your toothbrush for you. If you have small children, particularly those under two years old, then it is critical that parents place the toothpaste on children’s’ toothbrushes for them. The amount of toothpaste shouldn’t be larger than the size of a small pea.

If your child is still very small and they are not able to spit out the toothpaste, rather buy a non-fluoridated paste. If this isn’t an option, opt for no toothpaste instead. In this case, the child will brush their teeth with a toothbrush and water.

Visit a dentist

It is important for parents to take their children to a dentist at a young age if there is a suspected problem. Even if your child is only 1 years old, dental issues shouldn’t be left unchecked as it can lead to discomfort and bigger problems later on. A quick check-up that turns out to be a ride in a dentist’s chair can even be considered a success for parents of a busy youngster. Parents could also consider turning the visit to the dentist where younger children watch their older siblings having a dental check up and cleaning. This technique is called modelling and it is very helpful in a dental office and within family units.

Bastian Dentistry helps people who love to smile. Whether you need advice about your child’s oral health or would like to book a dental appointment with a family dentist in Peterborough, we can help you. Dr. Ralph focuses on family dentistry and cosmetic dentistry. Contact him today.
