Many people wait until they need new dentures or require denture repair before they book an appointment with a dentist. If, however, you are experiencing any type of denture discomfort, then you should visit a dentist that enjoys senior dental care.
Ageing can lead to dental problems that you may not have experienced in the past. Keeping dentures clean and having the necessary adjustments made to your dentures on an ongoing basis is important to ensure optimal dental health as you get older.
Did you know? Long-term medication use can negatively affect your dental health. Conditions such as heart disease, hypertension, arthritis and diabetes can also lead to physiological changes that can affect your teeth and gums. Regular visits to your dentist can make sure that you are on top of your dental health and intercepts problems when they are minor.
Denture discomfort solutions – visit a dentist in Peterborough
Senior dental care is a service that is offered by Dr Ralph Bastian, an established dentist in Peterborough. Dental care is important at any age, but it becomes increasingly difficult to manage by yourself as you get older.
Even if you no longer have any natural teeth, it’s still vital that you visit a dentist at least once a year for oral cancer screening and a general check-up. During this check-up, your dentist can assess your mouth and teeth for possible oral yeast infections as well as assess the fit of existing dentures and make adjustments or perform a reline if required. If your dentures have any fractures or missing teeth, they can usually be repaired the same day.
If you want to visit a dentist that can repair your dentures the same day and give you the care, support, advice and medical expertise that you need, then book an appointment with Dr Ralph Bastian today.