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5 Dental Emergencies That Require Fast, Professional Treatment

You really thought you could play hockey without your mouth guard. Unfortunately, the puck has hit your face and a trip to the dentist is in order -.

Luckily for you, Dr. Ralph Bastian, an active emergency dentist in Peterborough’s on-call system for over 30 years, is ready to help. Dr. Ralph is quick to respond to emergency dental cases. Here are 5 situations which require emergency help from an on-the-ball dentist:

  1. Trauma to The Tooth

A fall on your face, a hockey puck to the mouth or any traumatic tooth injury requires immediate dental attention. These injuries can range from minor chipped teeth to major injuries like dislodged teeth or an exposed pulp. If timely treatment is rendered to cover the pulp or reposition the tooth in the socket,  the damaged tooth may be saved.

  1. Abscess of The Tooth

Anyone who has had the misfortune of an abscess of a tooth is well aware of the swelling and pain that comes with it. An abscessed tooth is an infection of the tooth which has spread to the root tip and the bone. It originates in the tooth’s inner chamber known as the “pulp” chamber. As the tooth loses its ability to fight off infection, the bacteria multiply spreading through the bottom of the root into the bone.

Dr. Ralph will treat this by making a small opening in the tooth. This allows access to the infection and to remove the deceased tissue. When the infection has progressed this far, a root canal treatment is necessary. It is highly advisable to contact us sooner rather than later to avoid further problems.

  1. Periodontal disease

Periodontal disease is more commonly known as gum disease. It is an inflammation of the gum line that can spread to the bone if treatment is not rendered in a timely fashion. It occurs in three stages:

  1. Gingivitis,
  2. Periodontitis, and
  • Advanced periodontitis.

You will notice you have the periodontal disease when you have swollen, tender, bleeding gums, persistent bad breath, receding gums, loose teeth and, an exudate surrounding the teeth…

Dr. Ralph can treat this by first performing scaling and root planning (SRP). The earliest this is addressed may help to prevent further complications. In some cases, antibiotics will be required.

  1. Pericoronitis

Pericoronitis is a bacterial infection often surrounding the crown of a wisdom tooth. The plaque and bacteria build up here because the area cannot be adequately cleaned, and often there is trauma to the area because of the opposing bite. Since the gum tissue is not fully formed around the wisdom tooth, it can break down easily.  Pericoronitis is often seen in young adults ages 18 to 25.

Proper evaluation by a dentist is essential to treat this infection. In non-severe cases, Dr. Ralph will most likely flush away plaque and debris. Often antibiotics are prescribed or an antibacterial oral rinse. It is so important to catch this early on so further spread of bacteria can be prevented. In many cases, the final treatment is often the removal of the wisdom tooth.

  1. A Fractured Filling Cutting Your Tongue

A bite of crusty bread or hard nut can sometimes cause a filling or tooth to break. It is then common to have the sharp areas cutting into your tongue and/or cheeks. This can be painful. It is best to get immediate dental care. The filling needs to be replaced and sometimes a crown is also required. It is important to cover a damaged tooth because bacteria can invade the dentinal tubules and lead to nerve death.

Dr. Ralph Bastian would be pleased to provide timely treatments for your dental emergencies. Genuine emergencies are usually seen on the same day.  For more information, contact us today!
